BusinessBusiness Transformation

When your competitors are getting their products and services to customers with significantly less expense, faster and with far better quality, you simply do not have the luxury of waiting for things to happen, but must ideate, innovate, and perform.

The case for a Business Transformation project is easy… it is about survival, either immediate survival or survival in the medium to long-term. These types of projects are implemented when a quantum leap in performance is necessary.

When your competitors are getting their products and services to customers with significantly less expense, faster and with far better quality, you simply do not have the luxury of waiting for things to happen, but must act swiftly, smartly and decisively.

This is the time for a radical and profound change that will set your company up to not only survive, but to thrive in the market.

Our projects have transformed traditional business models in many ways: from centralized structures to decentralized ones; from proprietary operations to outsourced services; from market-to-market models to multi-country servicing centers; from heavily antiquated structures to optimal span-of-control organizations; from low tech, low scale, low quality to state-of-the art operations.

Stratis has a wide range list of Services within
this subject of expertise

Business Intelligence and Best Practices

Business Intelligence and Best Practices

In today’s business environment, it is not uncommon to make investment decisions without understanding how your company …

Structural Reengineering

Structural Reengineering

When companies have geographically dispersed locations performing similar processes, economies of scale and process …

Site Selection Analysis

Site Selection Analysis

Over the past few years, many new countries – and even regions and cities within individual countries - have begun competing as sites …

Vendor Selection

Vendor Selection

For many endeavors, it may not make sense – especially from a financial point of view -- for your organization to retain ‘in house’ …

Business Process Assesment

Business Process Assesment

Business often undertake initiatives without having a clear vision of the desired servicing model and its implications to technology …

Business Process Redesign

Business Process Redesign

Most organizations are structured around functional areas that are responsible for mostly similar, small repeatable tasks …

Implementation Support

Implementation Support

It is often the case that a company’s failure in implementing projects is due to a lack of experience in the planning, change …

Strategic Planning and Aligment

Strategic Planning and Aligment

Very often, though a company may have a clear strategy, it still fail to align its processes, structures, culture, metrics, systems and …

Reengineering Workshops

Reengineering Workshops

A company is often aware when it has significant problems with its operational processes. The company’s leadership might know that their …

Customer Experience Design Implementation

Customer Experience Design Implementation

The fundamental purpose of a company is to service its customers, who are more and more demanding and informed when making …

Benefits BusinessTransformation

We have saved our clients many, many millions of dollars via business transformation projects. If you are considering transforming your business, there is no better value proposition than the combination of the experience, regional knowledge, technical acumen and tools that SIS brings to an engagement. Throughout the Americas, we know and have firsthand experience with the major information technology players, local regulatory and business environments, the contact centers providers, the telecom providers, and a host of lawyers, accountants and other professionals who will make your business succeed.