We are Stratisknow Our Values

Our ValuesAtSTRATIS We Believe



  • Our Employees are empowered to make decisions and to meaningfully engage in the direction of the company.
  • We strive to train and certify our Employees to the utmost of their abilities and toward the needs of our clients.
  • Goals, incentives and values are aligned to ensure client satisfaction and cohesiveness across the organization.


  • Customer satisfaction is our top priority and the driving force behind all of our actions and decisions.
  • We serve our customers by understanding all their needs and embracing them as our own.
  • We take ownership of our customers’ needs and deliver meaningful end-to-end solutions (satisfaction).
  • All of our customers are of equal importance regardless of their size, market share, or impact on our revenues.


  • We proactively identify our customer needs and anticipate the required solutions, while striving for continuous excellence and excellent results.
  • We use processes, procedures, and performance goals to help us measure our success and adjust the course as needed. Continual self-improvement is the Stratis Way of Life and each member is self-accountable in this respect.


  • Customers believe in our brand because we deliver tangible and measurable financial results.
  • We have the purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the vision, mission, and strategic objectives of the organization.
  • We acknowledge that results come from living The Stratis Way.


  • We celebrate team members’ diversity in order to complement each other to deliver the highest value.
  • Team results are more important than individuals’.
  • Once consensus has been reached, the team members speak as one voice. We acknowledge the team is as strong as its weakest link, and we support each other on our journey.

Know more aboutSTRATIS

Stratis is a boutique management consulting, outsourcing and BPO services company with a focus on the credit card, insurance and banking sectors.Learn More

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Our Vission and Vision

The original 2006 Mission and Vision and their subsequent versions were reviewed and slightly updated by the Stratis’ board members and then enhanced by the broader Stratis Executive Team in December 2015.

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Example of our work

Our clients face tough challenges. They need to manage ever deeper and faster change. Strategic Impact Solutions combines vast client experience across industries with deep skills in consulting, technology, outsourcing and training.

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